Apex Theropod
Collected Edition Bundle
Kickstarter Special

Outland Entertainment

Kickstarter Exclusive Game
  • The Game StewardBoard Game Geek Avg Player Rating:8.63
    Players: 1 to 4
    Published: 2020
    Content Notes:Kickstarter Exclusive Apex Theropod: Collected Edition Deck Building Game by Outland Entertainment. Includes: core game, Base Game, Stomping Grounds Expansion, Saurophaganax Expansion, Suchomimus Expansion, Therizinosaurus Expansion, Promethean Wars Expansion, Megalodon Expansion, The Stomping Dead Exclusive Deck, Exotic Predators Expansion, and all applicable stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.

     🦖 Core game,
     🦖 Base Game,
     🦖 Stomping Grounds Expansion,
     🦕 Saurophaganax Expansion,
     🦖 Suchomimus Expansion,
     🦖 Therizinosaurus Expansion,
     🦖 Promethean Wars Expansion,
     🦖 Megalodon Expansion,
     🦖 The Stomping Dead Exclusive Deck,
     🦖 Exotic Predators Expansion, and
     🦖 All applicable stretch goals.

    APEX: CE includes the base game + ALL Available Expansions in ONE box! 

    Already have the base game but missed out on previous Expansions or the Kickstarter Exclusives? No worries! We’ve got them à la carte!  
    • 1 Player
    • 2-4 Players* [possible up to 6]
    • Ages 14+
    • 60-120 Minutes

    Apex is a deck-building game, played solo or with up to 3* friends. You play as a prehistoric predator competing for territory and resources against other predators. Each playable species has a unique deck to master. Each deck has different strengths, weaknesses, and strategies—creating a varied and constantly evolving experience.

    Your species must overcome a very brutal environment including harsh climate changes, disease, attacks from predators, grievous wounds, infections, and deadly prey. The game incorporates many dinosaurs that behave in their own distinct way. The goal of the game is to endure the environment, build up the population and evolve your species, and become the apex predator.

    Base Game includes:
    • 525 base cards + 20 Card Dividers
    • 24" x 16" Hunting Grounds game board - folded
    • Four 16" x 9" Nesting Grounds mats - folded
    • Updated Rulebook 
    • Foam Blocks to protect cards and fill empty spaces

    Includes 7 Playable Base Apex Decks:
    • Acrocanthosaurus
    • Carnotaurus
    • Giganotosaurus
    • Spinosaurus
    • Tyrannosaurus
    • Utahraptor
    • Velociraptor

    Plus ALL Available Expansion Decks with Dividers:
    • Stomping Grounds [70 cards]
    • Suchomimus [70 cards]
    • Saurophaganax [70 cards]
    • Therizinosaurus [70 cards]
    • Megalodon [70 cards]
    • Exotic Predators - Quetzalcoatlus & Sarcosuchus [80 cards]
    • The Promethean Wars [40 cards]
    • The Stomping Dead [45 cards]

    These 1040 cards includes diverse animals to hunt, dangerous carnivores, opposing Boss cards with Minions (acts  as artificial players for solo play), environmental effects, genetic evolution types, and grievous wound types.

    Note to fans:

    The dinosaurs and events in Apex are not 100% based on fact. Apex is a  mix of old and new dinosaur culture and some things were just changed  to enjoy the game more. Please forgive us for any inaccuracies you find  in Apex and it is not designed to educate. 

    *Previous versions listed APEX as a 6 player game, however as we revamp the rule book we are highlighting that the multiplayer game works best as 2-4 players. As we progress, we will see about maintaining a solid option of up to 6. 

    This version of the game includes a newly designed box with all new box art and collects the BASE GAME with the ALL available Expansions! 

    STOMPING GROUNDS Expansion Deck includes: 
    • 70 Cards Total + 1 Stomping Grounds Card Divider
    • Stomping Grounds ability Apex cards (that let you reap another player’s Hoard)
    • Evolve cards: Rapid Incubation, Infectious Bite, Adrenal Frenzy, Muscular Augmentation
    • Affliction cards: Fatal Pathogen, Broken Bone
    • Environment cards: e.g. Sulfuric Vents & Arctic Blast
    • Animals to hunt: e.g. Megaraptor & Concavenator

    SUCHOMIMUS Expansion Deck includes: 

    • 70 Cards Total + 1 Suchomimus Card Divider
    • Suchomimus playable Apex Deck (including the Stomping Grounds! ability)
    • Environment cards: e.g. Monsoon & Locust Plague
    • Prey to hunt: e.g. Nigersaurus, Astrodon, Kangnasaurus
    • Carnivores to hunt: e.g. Kaprosuchus, Bahariasaurus
    • Boss & Minions: Spinosaurus
    • Additional types of Apex cards for the base game Apex Decks

    SAUROPHAGANAX Expansion Deck includes:

    • 70 Cards Total + 1 Saurophaganax Card Divider
    • Saurophaganax playable Apex Deck (including the Stomping Grounds! ability)
    • Environment cards: e.g. Hot Springs & The Great Valley
    • Prey to hunt: e.g. Diplodocus, Brontosaurus, Stegosaurus, Camptosaurus
    • Carnivores to hunt: e.g. Megalosaurus, Compsognathus, Archaeopteryx, Cryolophosaurus
    • Boss & Minions: Allosaurus
    • Additional types of Apex cards for the base game Apex Decks

    THERIZINOSAURUS Expansion Deck includes:

    • 70 Cards Total + 1 Therizinosaurus Card Divider
    • Therizinosaurus playable Apex Deck (including the Stomping Grounds! ability)
    • Environment cards: e.g. Sand Storm & Forest Fire
    • Prey to hunt: e.g. Shantungosaurus, Deinocheirus, Protoceratops
    • Carnivores to hunt: e.g. Gigantoraptor, Archillobator
    • Boss & Minions: Velociraptor
    • Additional types of Apex cards for the base game Apex Decks

    MEGALODON Expansion Deck includes:

    • 70 Cards Total + 1 Megalodon Card Divider
    • Megalodon playable Apex Deck
    • Environment cards: Coastal Flooding, Judgement Day
    • Prey to hunt: Leedsichthys (Titan), Parapuzosia (Big Game), Archelon (Prey)
    • Carnivores to hunt: Basilosaurus (Predator), Dolichorhynchops (Menace)
    • Boss & Minions: Livyatan
    • Additional types of Apex cards for the base game Apex Decks 

    EXOTIC PREDATORS Expansion Deck includes:

    • Quetzalcoatlus (40 Cards)
    • Sarcosuchus (40 Cards)
    • 80 Cards Total

    PROMETHEAN WARS Expansion Deck includes: 

    • 40 Cards Total + 1 Card Divider

    Promethean War Expansion Deck includes T-Rexes with twin-linked laser cannons, Gatling cannon mounted Pterodactyls, and night goggle-ed assassin Raptors. It will feature a  wide array of things from the Promethean Wars universe.

    THE STOMPING DEAD Expansion Deck includes: 

    •  45 Cards Total + 1 Card Divider
    • Arsenal of Minions
    • Zombified Affliction Cards
    • New Environment Cards
    • Alternate Extinction Event
    • Super Volcano Eruption Card
    • Dimetrodon
    • Dilophosaurus
    • Sauropelta
    • Agustinia
    • Dreadnaughtus
    • Titanoceratops

    The Stomping Dead Expansion holds the strongest Boss card ever to exist in Apex.

    Apex is a deck-building game, played solo or with up to 3* friends. You play as a prehistoric predator competing for territory and resources against other predators. Each playable species has a unique deck to master. Each deck has different strengths, weaknesses, and strategies—creating a varied and constantly evolving experience.

    Your species must overcome a very brutal environment including harsh climate changes, disease, attacks from predators, grievous wounds, infections, and deadly prey. The game incorporates many dinosaurs that behave in their own distinct way. The goal of the game is to endure the environment, build up the population and evolve your species, and become the apex predator.

    Base Game includes:
    525 base cards + 20 Card Dividers
    24 x 16 Hunting Grounds game board - folded
    Four 16 x 9 Nesting Grounds mats - folded
    Updated Rulebook
    Foam Blocks to protect cards and fill empty spaces
    Includes 7 Playable Base Apex Decks:

    Plus ALL Available Expansion Decks with Dividers:
    Stomping Grounds [70 cards]
    Suchomimus [70 cards]
    Saurophaganax [70 cards]
    Therizinosaurus [70 cards]
    Megalodon [70 cards]
    Exotic Predators - Quetzalcoatlus & Sarcosuchus [80 cards]
    The Promethean Wars [40 cards]
    The Stomping Dead [45 cards]

    These 1040 cards includes diverse animals to hunt, dangerous carnivores, opposing Boss cards with Minions (acts as artificial players for solo play), environmental effects, genetic evolution types, and grievous wound types.

    --from the publisher

    We’re glad to back campaigns to bring you games like Apex Theropod: Collected Edition Bundle to buy online at TheGameSteward. We will use a hefty percentage of every dollar you spend on Apex Theropod: Collected Edition Bundle towards backing fantastic new games on Kickstarter! Just a reminder, if you have purchase questions on Apex Theropod: Collected Edition Bundle game, how to buy online at The Game Steward or just need game advice, please contact us at The Game Steward.
  • Game Categories

    • 🎁   Expansion Games
    • 🎁   Stand Alone Games
    • 💃   Solo Games
    • 🎴   Card Games
    •   Kickstarter
    •   KS Exclusive
    •   Deck/Bag/Pool Building
    • 🔮   Sold Out
    • ⚖️   8.0
    • 📆   2020
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    Give Us Your Feedback

    We'd Love To Hear Your Feedback & Suggestions. Please let us know on games you wanted to order from us today, but couldn't? Website features you'd like to see and suggestions. Issues you faced. Thanks!

    This feedback and suggestions form is anonymous.

    1. Does The Game Steward offer Free Shipping?
      1. Yes, see details here 📦 Shipping
    2. Does TheGameSteward sell games in languages other than English?
      1. No, currently TheGameSteward sells games only in English.
    3. What is a pre-order vs a regular or in-stock order?
      1. A pre-order is when you order your game prior to the publisher releasing the game.  A pre-order will be fulfilled and shipped once the game publisher has shipped the game to us, TheGameSteward.  Then we will ship game to you.  A regular order is a game already physically in-stock at TheGameSteward.
    4. Why purchase a pre-order?  Why not wait until the game is in-stock.
      1. Purchasing a game on pre-order is useful if the game is popular and likely to sell out prior to arriving in-stock.  (This happens quite frequently.)  At TheGameSteward, we often have customers looking to purchase a game after it is in stock only to find out there are none available for sale.  When you purchase a game pre-order, TheGameSteward reserves units in your name that no one else can buy.
    5. How does TheGameSteward 'ship for value'?
      1. To save you money, if you order multiple games where some or all of the items are pre-order, TheGameSteward will bundle your items until they are all available in-stock and ship them together.  This saves you money on shipping.
      2. If, however, you wish to receive some or all your items individually as they arrive in-stock, simply fill out separate orders/checkout payments for each - or let us know where you'd like to have an order broken up and pay for separate shipping.  In this way, each will have its own computed shipping and will be shipped as soon as it arrives.
    6. Are TheGameSteward prices discounted?
      1. All pre-order games on TheGameSteward are early bird special discount prices.  TheGameSteward does not mark games at regular price until they arrive in-stock.
      2. TheGameSteward also has items on-sale or discounted off manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) where MSRP is available.  Note: MSRP is not always available, such as on the Kickstarter versions of games.
    7. What are Kickstarter board games vs retail board games?
      1. Kickstarter is a funding site where people post projects for crowds to fund (aka 'to back') the creation of a new item or project.  Asking the public to fund/back projects in this way is known as crowdfunding.  One subcategory of Kickstarter is the crowdfunding of board games.  These board games are referred to as Kickstarter Board Games.  
      2. The Kickstarter version of board games often include extra game items to thank and incentivize people to fund/back a Kickstarter project and help it become a completed physical game.  These extras include: Stretch Goals - additional items for the board games' backers, and sometimes Kickstarter Exclusivesadditional items for the board games' backers that will not go into the standard retail board games.  
      3. TheGameSteward is a very different kind of game store.  TheGameSteward helps actually bring games to market that might not otherwise get funded.  TheGameSteward pays/funds/backs Kickstarter Board Game projects months and/or years before the actual game exists physically and ships for sale in-stock.  (In comparison, many other game shops standard model is not to pay for games until a month after they already receive the game in-stock.)  In this way and with your help as customers, TheGameSteward has helped insure the successful funding of hundreds of Kickstarter Games coming to market and will continue to do so.
    8. What are responsibilities during and after delivery?
      1. The Game Steward is responsible for delivery of your order at your requested delivery address.  Games sold by The Game Steward are typically limited edition items that are non-replaceable.  Once delivery of your order at your shipping address is documented / completed by the shipping company employed by The Game Steward, you accept full responsibility for securing your order. 
    9. Ding&Dent
      1. Games in our store identified as Ding&Dent, unless otherwise noted on the game listing, have visible, cosmetic damage to the game box. This may include dinged corners and/or edges, scratches, scuffs, or other significant visible imperfections, as well as split corners and/or minor tears. Although The Game Steward cannot open every game to verify the condition of all game contents, we have made reasonable efforts to ensure that game components are complete and unaffected. All Ding&Dent items are sold ‘as is’ and all sales are final. No refunds or exchanges.


  • The Game Steward makes every effort to provide the best quality of shipping to you and all customers.  As part of that effort, we provided (below) a list of helpful answers to many shipping questions.

    1. Free Shipping means The Game Steward will offer to ship your order to you for free.  This offer is generally for orders over $99 US Dollars within the 48 contiguousUnited States. Free shipping will use US Priority Mail, Fedex Ground, Fedex Smartpost, UPS Ground, or other major courier services.  We can not guarantee your order will arrive in 5 days or less, but most packages arrive in 5 business days or less.  If time is a factor for you, please consider selecting an expedited shipping option at checkout.
    2. Orders which include multiple items will be shipped in a single box where possible.  If the order is too large to fit in a single box, we will ship your order in multiple boxes (at our discretion), at no additional charge.
    3. When an order includes pre-order items and in-stock items, the in-stock items will be held in reserve until all items are present in our warehouse, and can be shipped together.  This may result in your in-stock games being held for several months.  
    4. If a combined order of in-stock items and pre-order items is expected to be delayed by more than 1 month, The Game Steward may (at our discretion) offer customers the option to have in-stock items shipped right away for an additional shipping fee.
    5. Order responsibility after delivery.  The Game Steward is responsible for delivery of your order to your requested delivery address.  The games we sell are typically limited edition items that are non-replaceable.  By placing your order you agree to accept responsibility for the care and storage of your order after delivery is completed to your shipping address. In other words, once the package is documented as delivered by the shipping service, your contract for products and services with The Game Steward is complete.
    6. If you have any concerns that your package may be stolen after it is delivered, we highly recommend that you request special handling instructions at the time you place your order, such as a signature requirement, a hold at the local courier facility, or have the package delivered to your office address.  These services may incur an additional charge to you.  Finally, we cannot guarantee that changes to the delivery instructions will be possible after we've receive your order and tendered it to the shipping service.
    7. On rare occasions, the publisher of a Kickstarter game will split fulfillment of a game, resulting in multiple shipping waves.  This often results in the delay of delivery for a portion of the Kickstarter contents offered for sale.  When this occurs, The Game Steward will hold your order until all items are shipped to us by the publisher.  The Game Steward, at its discretion, may offer you the option to have each wave of contents shipped to you as they arrive for an additional fee.
    8. If a Kickstarter game arrives to our warehouse 30 days or more after you place your pre-order, The Game Steward will require confirmation of your current mailing address.  We will not ship an order more than 30 days old without affirmative confirmation of your current mailing address. Please make sure to notify us when you move, so that we can update your address in our records, and avoid any delays in shipping your game.  We will attempt to contact you by e-mail and/or phone at least three times.  If we do not receive a confirmation within 72 hours of our third attempt, we reserve the right to cancel your order and release the item(s) to make them available on our store for sale again. If the pre-order is less than 180 days old, we will issue a full refund via the same payment method used to place the order (i.e. credit card, PayPal, Amazon Pay, etc.). For orders placed 180 days or more prior to cancellation, we will issue store credit. Customers, with pre-orders cancelled in this manner, may still receive a full refund in lieu of store credit upon written request and confirmation that the payment method on record is still valid.
    9. The Game Steward affirms that it will only ship an order to the address we have on record for your order.  If the address provided by you is old, incomplete, or incorrect, The Game Steward will not accept responsibility for lost package(s).  If the package is returned to us, you will be responsible for any additional shipping charges.
    10. The Game Steward takes great care to ship each package with appropriate packing material to avoid damage while in transit.  However, accidents do happen, and packages can receive rough treatment.  if you receive an item that has been damaged in any way, please contact us right away.  We may ask for photos of the damage to help determine the appropriate course of action.  At our discretion, this may include (but is not limited to) accepting returns for a full refund, offering a partial refund if you decide to keep the game, or offering a replacement copy.  
    11. For International orders, buyers are responsible for all taxes, fees, customs, and/or tariffs that may apply.  The Game Steward is a small business, and we have no knowledge or expertise of taxes or fees imposed by (or in) other countries.  It is the buyer's responsibility to understand the appropriate laws and shipper policies that may apply, and what taxes or fees may be incurred by purchasing an item from The Game Steward.
    12. For International orders, The Game Steward will fill out the customs form with accurate information regarding the sale price of game(s) sold.  No deviations from the accurate amount and no exceptions.  
    13. The Game Steward ships all orders with online tracking numbers.  Our e-commerce system automatically sends an e-mail with tracking information when a package ships as a courtesy to you.  However, The Game Steward takes no responsibility if you do not receive a tracking #.  If you don't receive a tracking #, and you are concerned about when your package will be delivered, it is your responsibility to contact us and request one.  This is especially true for International Orders.  If a package is returned to us because you do not pick it up at your local post office/customs office/etc., we will charge the actual cost of postage to ship it again.
    14. The Game Steward makes every effort to ship a game in a timely manner.  Our commitment to you is to ship an in-stock game within three business days of receiving your order.  However, there may be occasions when we are unable to meet this goal due to heavy workload or other circumstances.  We do not accept any liability for a delay in shipping your order.  For orders in which the customer selects an expedited shipping option at checkout, we will make every effort to ship the game the same day, or within one business day.
    15. The Game Steward makes every effort to fulfill pre-ordered Kickstarter games as timely as possible.  However, we cannot control when a publisher will fulfill our order.  As a matter of experience, we have learned that our orders tend to ship toward the end of the Kickstarter fulfillment period.  If the knowledge that your friends who backed a Kickstarter campaign may receive their game several days or weeks before you do, you may want to reconsider ordering from The Game Steward.
    16. Once a game arrives in our warehouse, it takes some time for us to process the order and prepare pre-orders to ship out.  This may take anywhere from 1 business day to 2 weeks, depending on the size of our order, the number of components needed to be shipped, and the number of pre-orders to fulfill.   Accordingly, we cannot make any guarantees about how soon your order will ship once a game arrives in our warehouse.

    Other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    1. Does The Game Steward offer Free Shipping?
      1. Yes (see above)
    2. Does TheGameSteward sell games in languages other than English?
      1. No, currently TheGameSteward sells games only in English.
    3. What is a pre-order vs a regular or in-stock order?
      1. A pre-order is when you order your game prior to the publisher releasing the game.  A pre-order will be fulfilled and shipped once the game publisher has shipped the game to us, TheGameSteward.  Then we will ship game to you.  A regular order is a game already physically in-stock at TheGameSteward.
    4. Why purchase a pre-order?  Why not wait until the game is in-stock.
      1. Purchasing a game on pre-order is useful if the game is popular and likely to sell out prior to arriving in-stock.  (This happens quite frequently.)  At TheGameSteward, we often have customers looking to purchase a game after it is in stock only to find out there are none available for sale.  When you purchase a game pre-order, TheGameSteward reserves units in your name that no one else can buy.
    5. How does TheGameSteward 'ship for value'?
      1. To save you money, if you order multiple games where some or all of the items are pre-order, TheGameSteward will bundle your items until they are all available in-stock and ship them together.  This saves you money on shipping.
      2. If, however, you wish to receive some or all your items individually as they arrive in-stock, simply fill out separate orders/checkout payments for each - or let us know where you'd like to have and order broken up and pay for separate shipping.  In this way, each  will have its own computed shipping and will be shipped as soon as it arrives.
    6. Are TheGameSteward prices discounted?
      1. All pre-order games on TheGameSteward are early bird special discount prices.  TheGameSteward does not mark games at regular price until they arrive in-stock.
      2. TheGameSteward also has items on-sale or discounted off manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) where MSRP is available.  Note: MSRP is not always available, such as on the Kickstarter versions of games.
    7. What are Kickstarter board games vs retail board games?
      1. Kickstarter is a funding site where people post projects for crowds to fund (aka 'to back') the creation of a new item or project.  Asking the public to fund/back projects in this way is known as crowdfunding.  One subcategory of Kickstarter is the crowdfunding of board games.  These board games are referred to as Kickstarter Board Games.  
      2. The Kickstarter version of board games often include extra game items to thank and incentivize people to fund/back a Kickstarter project and help it become a completed physical game.  These extras include: Stretch Goals - additional items for the board games' backers, and sometimes Kickstarter Exclusives additional items for the board games' backers that will not go into the standard retail board games.  
      3. TheGameSteward is a very different kind of game store.  TheGameSteward helps actually bring games to market that might not otherwise get funded.  TheGameSteward pays/funds/backs Kickstarter Board Game projects months and/or years before the actual game exists physically and ships for sale in-stock.  (In comparison, many other game shops standard model is not to pay for games until a month after they already receive the game in-stock.)  In this way and with your help as customers, TheGameSteward has helped insure the successful funding of hundreds of Kickstarter Games coming to market and will continue to do so.
    8. Order responsibility after delivery. 
      1. The Game Steward is responsible for delivery of your order at your requested delivery address.  Games sold by The Game Steward are typically limited edition items that are non-replaceable.  Once delivery of your order at your shipping address is documented / completed by the shipping company employed by The Game Steward, you accept full responsibility for securing your order. 
    1. TheGameSteward is here to make you happy and we back that commitment with our Return and Refund policy.

      Ding & Dent Items

      • We do our best to accurately describe the condition of damaged products.  However, note that all Ding&Dent items are sold as-is, with no refunds, regardless of the final condition of the product when it arrives.   

      After Purchase and Before Shipping

      • We offer a full money back guarantee on all orders prior to the date of shipment.   
      • We can only issue refunds to active accounts used to pay for the purchase in question.  If that account is subsequently closed for any reason, then a refund cannot be issued.  In that event, we will offer store credit instead.

      Special Note Re: Pre-Orders More Than 6 Months Old:

      • Due to PayPal policies, refunds on pre-orders more than 180 days old must be issued manually.  This requires that customers verify the correct e-mail address linked to their PayPal account.  Without customer verification, we cannot issue a refund for pre-orders more than 180 days old.

      Special Note Re: Orders Paid From a PayPal Business Account

      • Due to Changes in PayPal Policies, if you pay for an order with a PayPal Business Account, orders cancelled more than 180 days after the purchase date will have standard PayPal fees applied to the refund, thus reducing the total amount refunded.   Please note that we have no control over this.  This ONLY applies to refunds for pre-orders more than 180 days old.  Nevertheless, if you wish to ensure that you receive a full refund under all circumstances, we highly recommend making your purchase from a personal account, or use another payment option, such as a credit card or Amazon Pay.

      After Purchase and After Delivery

      • Damaged Goods - For domestic orders shipped within the US: If a game arrives damaged, just contact us within 30 days from date of receipt of items.  At a minimum, we will offer a full refund if you decide to return the game.  At our discretion, we may also offer a partial refund if you decide to keep the game, or offer a replacement copy in exchange for the damaged copy.  We will pay for return shipping and send you a return shipping label to use if you choose to return the game, or we agree to exchange the game with a replacement copy.

        For order shipped outside the US:  If a game arrives damaged, just contact us within 30 days from date of receipt of items.  For cosmetic damage (ie, internal components are not affected) we will offer a partial refund if you decide to keep the game.  If you wish to return the item for a refund of the purchase price, the customer is responsible for the original cost of shipping the item as well as the cost of return shipping.  Where an item suffers substantialdamage (i.e. affecting the game components), we may - at our discretion - offer a replacement copy in exchange for the damaged copy.  If you prefer to return the item for a refund of the purchase price, we will pay for return shipping and send you a return shipping label to use if you choose to return the game, or we agree to exchange the game with a replacement copy.

      • Defective Parts - If your game has a production defect just contact us within 30 days from date of receipt of item, we'll send you replacement pieces/parts if available.  If not available in our inventory, we'll work with the manufacturer on your behalf to obtain replacement pieces/parts which we will ship at our expense.

      • Incorrect Goods - If you receive a wrong order, just contact us within 30 days from date of receipt of items to receive a full refund on the price of the item or replacement if available.  We will pay for return shipping and send you a return shipping label to use.

      • Changed your mind - If you simply decide you no longer want the game, just contact us within 30 days from date of receipt of items to receive a refund on the price of the game for unopened and undamaged merchandise.  We will deduct the cost of the return shipping label from the refund amount and send you a return shipping label.
      • Products Returned After the Prescribed Period - we do not guarantee refunds or shipping on returns after the 30 days of receipt of the items.  We will, however, work with customers on a case by case basis.

      Please note

      • By placing your order you accept responsibility to receive delivery of your order at your designated shipping address.
      How to request a return and/or refund

      Our goal is to make you happy. If you are unhappy for any reason with your order, please email us at TheGameSteward and let us know what we can do.

      Final Note: this policy applies to all returns in all countries, including (and we had to add all these country names for google certification): 

      Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bonaire, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Botswana, Bouvet Island, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Zaire), Congo, Republic of, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Curacao, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, French Guiana, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe (French), Guam (USA), Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Holy See, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast (Cote D`Ivoire), Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Martinique (French), Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, New Caledonia (French), New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Norfolk Island, North Korea, Northern Mariana Islands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Pitcairn Island, Poland, Polynesia (French), Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Helena, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sint Maarten, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, South Korea, South Sudan, South Sudan, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste (East Timor), Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands, Wallis and Futuna Islands, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
