Games with Card Drafting Game Mechanic

( 45 games )

Card drafting games are games where players pick cards from a limited subset, such as a common pool, to gain some advantage (immediate or longterm) or to assemble hands of cards that are used to meet objectives within the game. Ticket to Ride is a well-known card drafting game.

Games where cards are simply drawn from a pile are not card drafting games - drafting implies that players have some sort of choice and the ability to draft a card another player may want thereby denying them something they may have wanted. In Ticket to Ride, players can choose to draw random cards. If they could only draw random cards however, it wouldn't be drafting.

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Blood Rage: Cardboard Clan Dashboards $9.99 $14.99
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Blood Rage: Cardboard Age Track & Valhalla Sheet $5.99 $9.99
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Blood Rage: Oversize Playmat $84.99 $89.99
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Escape Plan: Mastermind Pledge Plus Deluxe Upgrade Pack $124.99 $139.99
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Blood Rage: Deluxe Gods of Asgard $14.99 $24.99
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