La muerte de Cthulhu puede morir

En Cthulhu: la muerte puede morir, inspirada en los escritos de H.P. Lovecraft, usted y sus compañeros jugadores representan a los investigadores en la década de 1920 que, en lugar de tratar de detener la llegada de los dioses mayores, quieren convocar a esos seres de otro mundo para que pueda detenerlos de forma permanente. Comienzas el juego loco, y aunque tu objetivo a largo plazo es disparar a Cthulhu en la cara, por así decirlo, en algún momento durante el juego probablemente no podrás mitigar tus dados correctamente y tu locura causará ...

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Item Price Qty
Cthulhu: Death May Die Comic Book Plus Promos Bundle (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Kickstarter Board Game Accessory CMON KS000831G Comic Book Plus Promocho (Kickstarter Special) $149.99
Cthulhu Death May Die: Unspeakable Box (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Kickstarter Board Game Expansion CMON KS001323A caja indescriptible (Kickstarter Especial) $199.99
Cthulhu Death May Die: Fear of The Unknown All Knowing Pledge Bundle (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Kickstarter Board Game CMON KS001320A miedo al paquete de compromiso de todos los conocimientos desconocidos (especial Kickstarter) $349.99
Cthulhu Death May Die: Custom Frost Dice (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Board Game Geek, Kickstarter Games, Games, Kickstarter Board Games, Board Games, Kickstarter Board Games Expansions, Board Games Expansions, CMON Limited, Cthulhu Death May Die, The Games Steward CMON Limited Dice de heladas personalizadas (Kickstarter Especial) $14.99
Cthulhu Death May Die: Scarlett Hayes Figure (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Kickstarter Board Game Supplement CMON KS001637A Figura de Scarlett Hayes (Kickstarter Especial) $59.99
Cthulhu Death May Die: R'lyeh Rising Expansion (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Board Game Geek, Kickstarter Games, Games, Kickstarter Board Games Expansions, Board Games Expansions, CMON Limited, Cthulhu Death May Die, The Games Steward, Cooperative Play, Variable Player Powers Games CMON Limited Rlyeh Rising Expansion (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) $349.99
Cthulhu Death May Die: Graphic Novel (Retail Pre-Order Edition) Retail Board Game Supplement CMON KS001636A Graphic Novel Volume 1 (edición minorista) $21.99
Cthulhu Death May Die: Animal Allies Expansion Bundle (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Kickstarter Board Game Expansion CMON KS001361A expansión de los aliados de animales (Kickstarter Special) $43.99
Cthulhu Death May Die: Forbidden Reaches Unimaginable Pledge (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Kickstarter Board Game CMON KS001890A Prohibido alcanza una promesa inimaginable (Kickstarter pre-orden especial) $169.99
Cthulhu Death May Die: Forbidden Reaches All-Seeing Pledge (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Kickstarter Board Game CMON KS001889A Probonden alcanza la compromiso que todo lo ve (Kickstarter pre-pedido especial) $329.99
Cthulhu Death May Die: Godzilla Rising Expansion (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Kickstarter Board Game Expansion CMON KS001891A Expansión de Godzilla Rising (Kickstarter pre-pedido especial) $349.99
Cthulhu Death May Die: S3 and S4 Exclusives Bundle (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Kickstarter Board Game Expansion CMON KS001892A s3 y s4 exclusive bundle (Kickstarter pre-orden especial) $249.99
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